sexta-feira, 26 de outubro de 2007


Hoje o post não tem palavras, tem só música.
E é das boas, das bem poderosas.
Fala de uma graça...
O amor!

Boa noite...

4 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Boa noite e um grande aplauso...para si, pela escolha de hoje.

*Um Momento* disse...

E que graça esta...
Apetece flutuar...
sonhar que tudo é belo...
basta viver, sentir,
com o coração... com a alma...
Onde há Amor...há vida
Cantas comigo?...

I remember the rain on the roof that morning
And all the things that I wanted to say
The angry words that came from nowhere without warning
That stole the moment and sent me away
And you standing there at the doorway crying
And me wondering if I'd ever be back

I said I didn't come here to leave you
I didn't come here to lose
I didn't come here believing I would ever be
away from you
I didn't come here to find out
There's a weakness in my faith
I was brought here by the power of love
Love by grace

And I remeber the road just went on forever
Just couldn't seem to turn that car around
'Till in the distance like a long lost treasure
A phone booth that just could not be found
And you standing there at the doorway waiting
And the moment when we laid back down

That was just a moment in time
And one we'll never forget
One we can leave behind
'Cause when there was doubt
You'll remember I said

I didn't come here believing I would ever be away from you
I didn't come here to find out
There's a weakness in my faith
I was brought here by the power of love
I was brought here by the power of love
Love by grace

Beijo enorme...agradecido por tão Belo Momento


Silêncio © disse...

Existem sempre coisas que queremos dizer...

Ai ai...

Tão linda que quase desfaleço a ouvir!

Um Beijo Romantico

Camareira disse...

(Recebi por mail, achei lindo.)
Amor é...
